Monday, October 4, 2010

Update: Weigh In

So I just wanted to really quickly post that I did the weigh in and I didn't do very well. I was only at 2.5% total this week, which is not much above what I was at last week, but it is still above so that is good. And I am going to keep going so I am not worried. I just need to keep doing what I have been doing. The person who is ahead this week is at 5.86% and I am still in last, but I am getting there.

Also, I did do my run on Saturday. I took a look at what this week has in store and I think it is manageable so that is good. Wish me luck! I do my first one tonight sometime (heh - at least that is the plan) so I will update on how it goes later.

1 comment:

  1. How did the run go?

    Also, don't stress tooooo much about numbers. At least they're not kicking the person with the lowest percentage off.

    Also, what really helps is watching Biggest Loser and then working out. Or, working out WHILE watching an episode of biggest loser. I'm thinking I will break down and buy an episode each week for my iPod. It's such good motivation, right?

    Hang in there! I want to see less of you!
